Friday, May 10, 2013

Right idea, wrong way

If all went according to plan, there was a Shacharit/Morning Service held in Madison Square Park this morning, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, in support of N'shei HaKotel/the Women of the Wall.  I debated whether to attend, and finally decided against going.  The problem is that the supporters planned to hold an egalitarian minyan, but that's not what the Women of the Wall do--in order to include all women, they exclude all prayers that can't be said without a minyan.  Theirs is a Women's Tefillah (Prayer) Group, not a minyan, so holding an egalitarian minyan misses part of the point, which is to include both Orthodox and non-Orthodox women.

Monday, May 13, 2013 update
Tablet Magazine report:  NYC Prayer Service Supports Women of the Wall.


Anonymous Toft said...

Eh, I suppose it reads a bit strange, but not really a big deal. I think that if their target population *for the event* is of the opinion that woman should count for a minyon, then the event can both represent that group's preference and be in support of a group with a non-identical agenda. There's no reason why a show of support needs to be identical in practice, when community standards differ and alliance extends over those differences.

Thu May 16, 11:41:00 AM 2013  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

"There's no reason why a show of support needs to be identical in practice, when community standards differ and alliance extends over those differences."

You may have a point, Toft.

Mon May 20, 06:30:00 PM 2013  

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